Local functionalisation
In many technical areas, resource efficiency and energy efficiency are playing an increasingly important role.
To achieve the corresponding requirements for a specific product in an economic manner, functional coating systems are an interesting alternative to design adaptation.
INOCON Technologie GmbH offers a cost-effective, in-line technology designed for depositing local functional layers under atmospheric conditions on 3D surfaces or sensitive, flexible, flat materials such as films, plastics, textiles or paper
Flexible, efficient and sustainable
The drawbacks of complicated vacuum processes can be offset by flexible, resource-efficient and cost-effective process control. In spite of the atmospheric process controls, conductivities of around 70% of the base material can be achieved. This “green” plasma spray coating process thus offers an interesting alternative to conventional, complex process routes.
Overview of application areas
Electrically conductive coatings
Tribological coatings
Corrosion protection
Biocide coating systems
Adhesive coatings
Friction-reducing coatings
Anti-adhesion coatings
More applications

Corrosion protection

Enable (MCP)

Plasma cleaning
To the products



Plasma plotter

To the projects
Corresponding case studies and reference projects can be found described in the projects.
Developing and applying technologies and creating customer solutions.
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